Ani Romaningsih: What is public health?

Saturday, May 2, 2015

What is public health?

What is public health?

      Public health (Public Health in English), is defined by Professor Winslow of Yale University as a science and art: prevent disease, prolong life and improve health, through "community organizing efforts" to: (Notoatmodjo, 2003 in wikipedia)
1. Improvement of environmental sanitation
2. Eradication of disease - infectious diseases
3. Education for personal hygiene
4. Organizing services - medical and nursing services for the early diagnosis and treatment
5. Development of social engineering that guarantees decent living needs are met in maintaining health.

           Public health science is a science that essentially consists of a wide range of disciplines such as biology, physics, chemistry, medicine, environment, sociology, psychology, anthropology, economics, administration, education and others - others. However, in broad outline, the disciplines that support the establishment of public health as a science, or better known as the eight pillars of public health, among others:
1. Public Health Administration.
2. Health Education and Behavioral Sciences.
3. Biostatistics / Health Statistics.
4. Environmental Health.
5. Nutrition Society.
6. Occupational Health.
7. Epidemiology.
8. Reproductive health.

              Why public health science is a multi-disciplinary science, because it basically is multikausal Public Health Issues, then pemecahanya should be multidisciplinary. Therefore, the public health as the art or practice has a broad expanse. All activities either directly or indirectly to prevent disease (prevention), improve health (promotion), therapy (physical therapy, mental, and social) or curative, and recovery (rehabilitative) health (physical, mental, social) is a public health efforts. (Notoatmodjo, 2003 in wikipedia)
The effort - an effort that included a claim into the realm of public health experts, among others:
1. Eradication of infectious and non-infectious diseases.
2. Vector eradication.
3. Improvement of environmental sanitation
4. Societal nutrition.
5. Public health education.
6. Maternal and child health services.
7. Supervision of public sanitation.
8. Managing health programs and services.
9. Supervision of food, drinks, and drugs.
10. Fostering the health of workers and the workplace.
11. Advocating sound health policy.
12. Megelola data - health data.
13. Conduct epidemiological surveillance.
14. Organize and empower communities to willing and able to live healthy.
15. and many more activities - activities that beraa under the scope of public health.

                                                                                                                                                By: Ani Romaningsih

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